A true painting allows you to move forward without having to determine anything, without having a plan. You start blindly in a black labyrinth, not knowing what will be next.

Space in art is fundamental. Space must be opened to penetrate more into it, do unthinkable things, retaining its essence.

Space is not void; it is matter. Deepening in its most refined aspects opens us up to a new experience and a more demanding creative process.

The study of geometry is a way to approach that new space, a living language that generates knowledge, a concern about the matter, an analysis, and a research in the essence of nature.

Geometry designs the matter with measurements. It is the description and scrutiny of the matter, in order to become aware of it, an explicit affirmation of the space that conforms us.

The shapes in which matter is made manifest are self-referential structures in increasingly elementary planes, flowing dynamically.

The artist does not create, he captures and modifies, he will only discover every structure present at the level reached, as a relation of elements endowed with an internal order.

Intuition and sensitivity walk along the same path of imagination like a form of vision, as a reality born within us.

Contemporary art has been made with coherent ideas and proposals and is developed in new spaces for experimentation. Its achievements appear when a firm connection is established with the thought of the moment about the world of reality.

I do not believe in the transformative power of art, but in its ability to generate unexpected encounters and perceptions. It is a bond of union and a sort of revelation.

Painting is built on continuous proposals to redefine its internal dynamics and expand its potential. There is always a look that illuminates and points out new paths, in the silence of perception or in the creative action.

I work with abstraction and lines. I currently make both fields coexist, recreating a space and a light that generates strength and geometrizing a vacuum without limits; the light in its aspiration to point to matter.

I lie on the uncertain border between the artifice and the organic. A difficult and utopian place, where the conditions of autonomous existence of form and colour cohabit.

Random has an undoubted prominence for me. Every work created, from that impossible freedom, tries to support itself on the heartbeat and silence of nature, and seeks refuge among its shadows.

Painting that tries not to attack and strives to be carried away by the austere lightness of the air.

Poetry as the body and soul of painting, and poetry within the ultimate nerve of painting.