Born in Madrid, he was very soon attracted to art, dedicating his time to shaping his initial aesthetic concerns.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Contemporary Art by the Complutense University of Madrid and an Engineering Degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, since then, he has reconciled engineering with painting, making numerous exhibitions inside and outside the country.

Over time, his complete vocation to painting and art in general leads him to abandon his career as an engineer.

Autonomy and genuine freedom have always accompanied him in his artistic work, without having to yield to the pressures and constraints of the art market.

His trajectory experiences three distinct phases:

-An initial period constructivism, close to its formation and intense development in technical drawing.
-An intermediate period influenced by abstract expressionism.
-The current phase where pure geometry and abstraction coexist.

He investigates the field of geometric abstraction, renewing its concepts, expanding its limits, causing an intimate relationship between format and its open space.

The result of his extensive artistic career is a rigorous and credible work that seeks to convey to the public the reality of the aesthetic experience, in a genuine and unsaturated space, making possible the reception of the work and the communication with the artist. A variety of exhibitions in historic buildings have provided for such experience.

We are facing a multidisciplinary artist who walks on the edge of an art market extremely saturated with images and politics, and not always attentive to new proposals that give continuity to a medium, painting, which must always be renewed.

His works are inspired by the tradition of Spanish painting and are influenced by European avant-garde and American abstract painting.

He uses a wide variety of media and in all of them he is looking for his own language.

He makes use of industrial paints as well as natural pigments.

He is also a photographer and a poet.

His works take place between El Escorial (Madrid) and Mahón (Menorca).