…. An autonomous movement appears that animates and excites the space there where the colour has perched itself, it makes it recoil or move forward, it stretches it, and instead of hindering it, it fills it with clear air. In turn, colour restores the space and extends it in depth. Adds a new dimension to the drawing….
Colour affirms that which differentiates it from the line; its central force, immediate, that power to rise to its peak relying on itself (…) There´s no peaceful neighbourhood between line and colour (…) The tension will always be in action for the colour (…) A colour is set to be the extreme point of a light, a volcanic trail to which a terrestrial shadow responds from afar (…) That distance, that almost sensual breath of space in the simultaneous action of the line, makes it slide into the inflamed eye, to an invocative centre.
(René Char)